Open Source – Connectivity – Low Cost – Versatility – Simple, But Not Too Simple

These are just some of the advantages of ARDUINO! What am I talking about?

Quoting the Arduino team:

“Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It’s intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.”

To you or me, it’s like a little computer you can program to do things, and it interacts with the world through electronic sensors, lights, and motors. The platform is being built and improved for step-by-learning, building on lessons or sharing codes everyday. In short, non-engineers can bring their crazy ideas to life! You can get sensor data in, write a little bit of code, but not necessarily – you can just cut and paste to get it started!

To summarize: great open-source software for multiple systems, lots of libraries, drivers that work, simple and low cost (what is really important especially for us students)!

So if you want to make a Turn Signal Biking Jacket, Auto Lacing Shoes, a Twitter Mood Light, an EyeWriter or a Mobile Dance Stage, you can! Sounds impossible? Well, it has actually already been made! I just wanted to boost your imagination!

To check out mentioned above projects and many others use the link below:

20 Unbelievable Arduino Projects!

Stil want to know more? Here’s a short documentary made by the Aruduino Team:

One thought on “Open Source – Connectivity – Low Cost – Versatility – Simple, But Not Too Simple

  1. I liked how you turned this quite abstract lecture into something of your own! good job! for me, to whom the lecture was quite hard to grasp, it would have been also cool to connect it a little bit more to the lecture or even maybe give an overview of what it was about.

    Liked by 1 person

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