Copyright infringement cases – pure evil itself!

Copyright. Everybody knows it has been taking away our “copy freedom” for a long time. However, before I did research  on copyright topic I basically had no idea how serious it has got over the past few years. It is not just about Piracy and protecting Intellectual Property Rights, as probably many people think, including myself until Monday. Unfortunately, it does not concern only ‘usual’ content anymore. We are undeniably heading toward permission-culture model. Digital enclosure is only a matter of time.

Thinking about it made me wonder about famous copyright infringement cases and I decided to give some thought to it as find it really interesting!

Here is my prezi mind map that will hopefully familiarize you with this issue:

One thought on “Copyright infringement cases – pure evil itself!

  1. Interesting post. I found the use of the Prezi mind map to be quite an engaging way of providing information about copyright infringement cases. The case of Warner Brothers V S. Victor Whitmill is particularly interesting considering how widespread the use of copyrighted images is within the tattoo & body art industry.

    This post reminds me of another famous copyright infringement case involving the Associated Press vs Shepard Fairey (see link below).

    Overall, very informative post, however in future it would be helpful if you could hyperlink to where you found the original content so viewers can easily access more information on the topics you are discussing.



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